Pablo Software Solutions
FAITH          HOPE          LOVE
"Managing your life, especially your health, is not an easy task - we help you to change your lifestyle."

Mikah is a company structured to support people in their personal and business environment.

In todayࢵsiness environment it is not easy to keep your head above water.  As a business owner it is not easy to keep everybody happy and this situation inherently causes stress due to the difficulty in balancing customer satisfaction, productivity, labour relations and profit margins.  In this day and age with all the new technological developments and advancements, it is to be expected that it would be easier and less stressful to run a company. On the contrary the statistics are indicating that there is more and more stress in the business environment. This unfortunately spills over into our personal lives and, in most cases visa versa.

Whether you are a business owner or employee, stress is the number one factor when it comes to work and work related problems. This is where MIKAH LIFESTYLE & BUSINESS CONSULTING comes in. We have seen the connection between your lifestyle and your business and the effect the one has on the other. Our careers and professions have become money driven instead of passion and purpose driven. The primary focus is on money or even the lack of it.  We are caught up in consumerism. We often say we do not have the time, and we seem to have less time than 20 years ago.  Sadly we often realize, we only have 24 hours in a day. We get distracted and interrupted and we never give ourselves the opportunity to take control of this vicious cycle we live in.  Unfortunately, it is a fact whilst our daily actions are not in tune with our highest priorities, the pattern will keep on reoccurring

What we do as business consultants is to ascertain where your sources of stress lies.  We then formulate plans on how to solve these problems.  This could be from assisting in the initial planning and setup of your office and business premises to simply implementing an administrative system or streamlining current systems inside the company or even training and development of employees to get the best from each of them.

When it comes to an individual person the same basic steps are followed. Initially a consultation is held and an assessment made. A proposal is then given and discussed with the individual to outline possible solutions for the problems. This could be in the form of various treatments, vitamins, supplements, eating and exercise patterns and behaviours, skills development and training.

What we strive to achieve at the end of the day is to have a balanced person/individual.  Whether the person is the employee or employer, is not the main concern. The main concern is how this person handles their day to day activities and responsibilities at home and at work. Once this is achieved the stress levels automatically drop to manageable levels if the home and business environment are made as stress free as possible for both the employee or employer a better and more fulfilling lifestyle will be experienced by all parties involved.


As a lifestyle consulting company we strive to help the individual to become a well balanced person. A well balanced person has confidence in their abilities, takes pride in themselves and their work, is socially well adjusted and content with their life.

business consultaNTS